Chaptered Fic's
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Comet's Tail

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Chapter 6



Heero wandered over to the couch that Duo was lying on.  It was the day after their little adventure in the shower and they had both been rather languid since.  Duo was stretched out on his back on the sofa; his heals on one arm and his head on the other.  Heero perched on the edge of one cushion, the back of his waist to Duo’s hip.  A thrill passed up his body at that small amount of contact and he wondered what it was he had gotten himself into.  He couldn’t do without Duo now, couldn’t just leave as he had before, couldn’t be the loner he always had been and was what he had promised himself he never would become.  He didn’t really mind that confession as much as he had thought he would, in fact, he liked the idea of it, but he wondered if the threat Duo had made before all of this was still in place.  He had told Heero that he didn’t intend to leave anymore, but that didn’t mean he would stay like that indefinitely. 


He turned slightly, careful not to move his own waist so he would not disturb Duo and looked down on him.  The fey had his eyes closed and was apparently asleep.  Heero knew him better than to assume he was though.  He felt the corners of his mouth turn up lightly as he watched the chestnut haired boy.  He could see in Duo’s face every little emotion that passed through his mind and wondered how he ever managed to hide anything from anybody with such an expressive face, but then Duo had his own ways to hide things. 


Duo tilted his head sideways a little and a bang slipped across one of his eyes, catching lightly in his eyelashes.  It didn’t seem to bother Duo in the slightest and Heero began to believe that he was actually asleep.  He watched as his hand, almost involuntarily, slipped up to brush aside the bang and sweep it back delicately with the rest of Duo’s shining fringe.  At this Duo’s lids twitched slightly, then he opened his eyes and looked up at Heero, his eyes shining and his lips curling delicately up at the lost expression on Heero’s face.


“Did I catch you koi?” his expression was teasing, “I’m sorry would you rather I did go to sleep?”


“How do you do that?” Heero had to ask the question that was burning at the back of his throat.


“Do what koi?” Duo’s eyes flashed with thought as his mind raced to pick up the meaning of Heero’s question.


“Lie there so still and sleep-like when you must have known that I was here?  You didn’t even stir, didn’t even look to see who it was,” he marvelled at how Duo could make everyone believe him to be so silly and naive but how his mind was so quick when he needed it and he obviously wasn’t as stupid as he would have everyone think.


“Oh, years of practise,” Duo chuckled slightly, “anyway, I didn’t need to look to know it was you who came in, I know you by your stride just as I do all the others, and yes that is another skill learnt from my time on the streets before you have to ask that one.”


He lifted his hand and fleetingly touched Heero’s arm, then seemed to deem it safe and began to stroke along from Heero’s elbow to wrist and back again continuously.  Heero glanced down at him and smiled lightly, something Duo was getting used to being able to invoke now, and let his lids lower slightly in pleasure.


“You won’t leave will you?” Heero had to ask the question before it drove him mad, he had to know if his trust had been misplaced once again, but Duo wouldn’t do anything to hurt him he was sure, so this just had to be answered.


“Oh maybe,” Heero could see Duo’s brows lower in contemplation, “maybe I will one day.”


“You…. You will?” Heero looked round at Duo, who could see the fear behind his eyes flash.


“Of course… I have to go with you if you decide to go on another of your little excursions don’t I?”


“Oh!” the exclamation told Duo he had not expected that answer in the slightest.


Duo pushed himself up on one arm, wrapping the other round Heero’s neck, and leant in to plant a slight kiss against Heero’s mouth.  Heero took the opportunity to bury his hands in Duo’s thick hair and deepen the kiss, his fingers twitching and feeling their own way in his red braid.


Quatre and Trowa chose that exact moment to walk into the room and caught them before they even had time to realise they weren’t alone anymore.  Heero shot backwards, scooting away from Duo as far as he was able on the sofa without falling off.  Duo took his time to look up at his two new companions, his eyes bright with pleasure and a smile playing across his lips threatening to turn into a grin at the slightest provocation.  Quatre giggled as if he had some secret that he wasn’t going to disclose to anyone and Trowa stood aghast at what he had just unwittingly interrupted.


“So Duo, you finally managed to tame the tiger?” Quatre’s eyes were almost as bright as his red haired fellow pilots.  A smile played across his lips, telling that he had expected this for quite some time.


“Oh no,” Duo smiled seductively over at Heero before continuing with his sentence, “I didn’t tame the tiger one bit, I just understood him so much that he allowed me into his world.” At this statement he leant over and nuzzled Heero’s neck making Heero unwillingly close his eyes in pleasure.


“Well it’s about time you two did something about it anyway,” Trowa seemed to think it only right that he voiced his own opinion, “either way, the two of you needed each other from day one, and there was only you two that didn’t seem to realise it.”


Duo smiled almost sheepishly at this and glanced over to see if Heero wanted to answer back to this one.  Heero just scowled his trademark look and turned away from Trowa.


“I don’t think that’s any of your business to be speculating on Trowa Barton.”


‘Yes,’ Duo thought to himself, ‘I entered his world, and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been to know I can.’


He looked up from his musing, “And to think,” he gave in to the grin that had been threatening, “this all started because of a little rundown bar in the middle of nowhere, that I usually use for any of the towns gossip, called Comet’s Tail…”

xXx Owari xXx

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