He glanced round at the deserted
street noting that, once more, the name of the road was not one he recognised. He
was totally lost now with about four hours until dawn and no one to turn to for help.
Once again he cursed his master for refusing to come with him into the wilderness of streets and back alleys that he
did not recognise and sending him on his own. He had said that it was a quest
he must partake on his own but if the rising sun killed him in four hours from lack of anywhere to hide for the day it wouldn’t
matter that he had gone alone since he would have gained nothing for it.
He sighed and glanced down at the rumpled piece of paper in his hands containing hastily scrawled instructions
of how to get to the main coven house. It did him no good now; he’d been
lost for over an hour and didn’t even know how to backtrack to the last known landmark.
He’d followed the instructions to the letter until he came to a junction where none of the names shown was written,
presuming he’d find the next street just up a little way he’d carried on straight ahead and then turned onto a
road that had an almost similar name thinking that his master had misspelled the name.
Now an hour later he was beginning to think that the name hadn’t been misspelled after all and he’d just
gone the wrong way. Knowing this didn’t help him get back though, so he
just had to turn around and hope he saw something he recognised soon.
A low growl from the direction he was facing made him pause but after a moment he caught the scent of a dog
and carried on. Probably a stray out chasing cats for the night and he didn’t
have the time to be spooked by nothing. One of his mahogany bangs got whipped
upwards by a sudden gust of wind and he glanced upwards to catch it. This movement
saved him from getting landed on by a man twice his size as he noticed the man and flinched away just in time. His eyes widened as he noticed the man must have jumped from the top of the building, there was nowhere
else overhead a man his size could have stood, and this meant he was in preternatural company again.
The man regarded him warily, blond strands of lank hair whipping across his face and then he sniffed the air
like he was scenting it.
“Vampire,” he smiled hiding his fangs and took a step closer, “what’s your name young
“Julien,” he replied happily, knowing this man was much older than him and would be able to tell
him where he could rest for the day.
“You lost child?” the man scented the air again and the wind came around and blew all the hair in
front of his face so he had to fight to be able to see.
“Yes I was looking for the va-” Julien cut off as the wind that had blown the mans hair into his
face also carried his scent straight to him. He was no vampire; this was the
same scent he’d smelt earlier thinking it was a dog.
He’d heard of lycanthropes but until now he’d never actually met one. His heart suddenly started to beat rapidly against his chest and he wondered if he could slip by without
being caught but knew he had no chance. The man smiled, making him look like
the wolf he was and took another step forward. Julien stepped back fear rising
from him in an almost visible wave. His back hit something hard and he turned
to find another lycan, almost as tall, smirking down at him.
“It’s alright Julien,” the first said, “we only want a little fun, it won’t hurt,
He walked right up to Julien until he was pinned between the two wolves and noted a third a little way back
behind the blond one standing guard at the end of the alleyway. He couldn’t
get out and with no help anywhere near there was nothing he could do but to slide to the floor and curl into a protective
ball. This made his captors chuckle but he didn’t care, he wanted to forget
this whole thing and go home, back to his master and the warm safety of their small home.
The blond reached down and grabbed the scruff of his neck and started to lift him bodily from the floor. Julien just shrank into himself and curled against the inevitable pain and that was how he missed what
actually happened.
There was a sudden yelp and he was dropped back to the cold pavement.
Sounds of a very quick scuffle were heard but by the time he’d raised his head all three lycans were running
from the alley and there was a smear of blood across the pavement just in front of him.
It took him a moment to register there was still a dark figure stood over him and he curled back into himself wondering
what horror had been brought upon him now but no attack came, instead a soft, smooth voice spoke to him in gentle tones.
“Come, stand, little one,” the voice was so rich he felt as if a hand had smoothed down his back
even though he was sure nothing had touched him physically, “you will not be harmed, you are safe now.”
Julien lifted his head tentatively to stare into a pair of eyes so deep blue they were almost black. A pale face framed by black hair hovered above him, the hair curling gently over and behind trim shoulders. The eyes held a look of worry, not anger, and he slowly stood, coming to his feet
in front of the most beautiful vampire he had ever seen. Not that he’d
ever seen any that weren’t gorgeous, it seemed as if no matter your appearance in life once you were a vampire you were
gorgeous, but he had never seen one so utterly perfect as this man. His eyes
a deep blue and his hair darkest black complemented each other so well you found yourself wondering were it not his hair blue
and his eyes black instead. He was about five foot ten, not overly tall, and
very trim, he looked as if he couldn’t have lifted a pony but the power Julien could feel rolling off him told differently. This vampire could have bench pressed a truck if he felt the need and more besides. He was old, not as old as Julien’s own master but old enough that three lycans
weren’t a problem as it seemed and they were nothing to sneeze at.
“Did they hurt you?” his voice still carried that smooth note that made the air around him tingle
and this time Julien detected a hint of some sort of accent but it had long since faded to the slightest whisper and he couldn’t
define which it was.
“No,” Julien shook his head, “they were about to but you chased them off. Thank you, you saved me I’d have been in real trouble if you hadn’t come along.”
“Indeed,” the vampire glanced around the alley, “but do tell me, what are you doing so deep
in the wolves’ territory? If they had killed you we could not have claimed
foul play they are within their rights.”
Julien swallowed, “I… I got lost. I didn’t mean
to come here, I’m looking for the coven, master sent me, he said I had to ask the master of the coven something but
he said I must come alone and gave me directions only they only took me half way and I ended up here.”
“Aah, and what was it you were sent to ask?”
“Forgive me but master said I was only to talk to the master about it.”
“Of course,” the other waved this aside like it was common practice, “then I must take you
to the coven house so you may deliver your message-” he looked up confused, “you must forgive me now, I didn’t
catch your name.”
“Julien,” he answered for the second time in as many minutes, “I didn’t get yours either.”
“Rowan. Well then Julien you must come with me and I shall
take you to the coven house,” he seemed to be expecting something on the revelation of his name but Julien had no idea
“You will?” he smiled, “thank you so much I’d never find it on my own.”
“You have never been before? That is strange you must be
at least ten by now.”
Julien squared his shoulders; “I’m seventeen.”
Rowan chuckled and it was so rich and warm that Julien actually shivered, “no young one, I am not talking
your physical age, I can not now, after all my years, still claim I am twenty two now can I?
I was asking your vampiric age.”
Julien coloured and took a step back, “Well I’m eleven then but no I’ve never been to the
coven house, master kept saying I must go but he never got round to sending me and then when we rose tonight he said I was
long since overdue and that I should go immediately but I don’t understand why it’s so important, after all we
never see others where we live.”
“A hermit vampire,” Rowan pondered this for a minute then turned and started to walk with the grace
only the old ones can master as he talked, “your master must have been old Luciel then.”
“Yes, how did you know?” Julien followed him presuming that he was going to the coven house as he
“It is not hard, there are few hermit vampires and fewer still who make fledglings now, it is not easy
to survive away from the coven now, we have a treaty with the lycans for the time but who knows how long that will last and
we still get the odd one or two who will purposefully wander into the other clans territory just to pick a fight. That is what I thought you were doing at first, hence why I did not immediately come to help.”
“You were there longer?”
“Only from when Joseph climbed the building to watch you.”
“The blond werewolf,” Rowan looked at him over his shoulder, “he and I have an agreement,
he keeps out of my way and I don’t kill him, I can wander these streets relatively unobstructed so long as I do not
try to cause trouble and I only come here to get away from the quick flowing coven.
There are so many fledglings there now that it always seems like everyone is in a rush to me even if they are going
about things at their usual pace.”
“I suppose when you’ve lived so long you feel time in a different way,” Julien studied his
back as he walked, the straight line of his spine and the way the cream, satin shirt he was wearing whispered round him and
told of better things underneath.
“Yes indeed, you have a good understanding for one so young.”
Julien shrugged, “I’ve only lived with master since I was turned I suppose being around him so much
has rubbed off a little.”
Rowan suddenly took a sharp right leaving Julien going the wrong way and scurrying to catch up again. He looked back over his shoulder but gave no indication he had noticed and carried on walking up a street
that boasted far better housing than anything Julien had ever seen before.
“Do you have anyone to stay with at the coven?” Rowan asked.
“No… I wasn’t aware I would need anyone, I only know master, he didn’t say anything.”
“Luciel and his omissions,” Rowan spoke as if it was an old friend he had often scolded, “Each
vampire that lives there has their own room. There are two central halls on the
ground floor; one is a parlour where you can go to relax and the other what we refer to as the games room although I do not
mean games in the sense of video games or chess,” Julien coloured and he chuckled before continuing, “the first
floor has the throne room, although that is a little misleading, there are no thrones, it looks more like an office to me.”
“That’s where the master can be found?”
“Yes mostly. Also on that floor there are the older vampires’
rooms, larger than most and a little more lavishly decorated in respect of their age and power. Above that there are five more floors each with many rooms that house the rest of the coven. As I was saying each vampire has their own room where they are free to come and go as they like, all we
ask is that if a vampire is leaving for good they inform us so as we may give the room to another. It has not been often in all my years I have ever seen the entire house full, it was made overly large
so the situation would not occur where we ran out of rooms to give to new residents and the war with the lycans saw to that
for many years, now we are at peace it is the fullest I have seen it in nearly six centuries but still we are not full, which
is a good thing.”
“Six hundred years?” Julien interrupted, “how old are you?”
“Oh quite old,” Rowan dodged the question neatly and Julien let it lie for the time being, “but
the point of me telling you all this was to get to the point that we do not just invite any vampire to stay at the coven. To gain your own residence there you must be passed by one of the elders from the
first floor, it does not matter their reason and I have known some fledglings fail to gain access through one elder and succeed
through another. If you are just looking to lodge for a few days security you
must have an acquaintance there to lodge with, we do not, as you say, rent rooms.”
“But I don’t know anyone,” Julien despaired, “I don’t know a single vampire and
I can’t make it back to masters tonight I haven’t the time.”
“Then I suppose you had best stay with me,” Rowan turned another corner into an even more extravagant
neighbourhood and Julien wondered just how big the coven house was.
“I can’t put you out anymore than I already have,” he protested, “you saved me and now
I’m interrupting your time alone so you can lead me, I couldn’t share your room as well.”
“I do not see that you have much choice,” Rowan replied, “all things considered it seems you
either stay with me or hope you have a very high sun screen.”
It took Julien a minute to realise that the very precise vampire had actually cracked a joke and then he broke
down laughing. He didn’t think it had been all that funny but it broke
the tension nicely and some of his mirth came from relief.
“Then thank you again,” he choked out once he had finished with his outburst. He looked up to find Rowan grinning down at him and the expression was so roguishly charming that it made
him stop dead and stare at his companion.
“Come then,” Rowan turned up the driveway to a mansion that was so big Julien was sure it could
have never been called a house. It was larger than most hotels he had ever seen,
fronted with grey stone and even had two gargoyles sitting sentry on the corners of the roof.
There were too many windows to count and he would have bet that each was one of the rooms Rowan had been talking about
although the windows on the first floor were large and more openly spaced. The
door was a double one with large ornate carvings of angels on the front and it had a knocker shaped like a dragons head the
large ring held in its mouth, although he was sure this wasn’t used as there was a doorbell off to one side.
They now stood in front of a pair of tall, black and gold gates topped with spikes to deter climbers. He wondered if they were just for decoration however, he was a fledgling and had he wanted to climb the
gates he could have done so easily, perhaps it was to deter mortals during the day.
The real deterrents for vampires were the guards, one stood in front of each gate with their arms folded over their
chests. Each one was over six feet tall and they both had very close haircuts. Physical size didn’t really matter in a vampire but it sure looked convincing.
Rowan walked past them with the barest of nods and carried on walking up the drive and Julien hurried to keep
up with him wanting it known that he had a guide and wasn’t alone.
“It’s huge,” he gasped as they came to the front doors and the enormity of the place towered
over him.
“It is large,” Rowan admitted, “you get used to it after a time, very few vampires have to
learn their way round the whole house, just to their own room and the ground floor, occasionally the first if they need the
elders for anything,” he rang the doorbell and a vampire dressed in the black and white, tailed suit of a butler answered
the door and permitted them entry.
A number of vampires reclined on velvet couches and chairs almost directly inside the doorway. The room stretched back farther than he cared to look but vampires milled everywhere. Some stood, some sat, some lay. Each had their own group,
their own conversation or game going on. There were all different types, about
every combination of hair and eye colour he could think of in all different heights and both genders. Some were clearly foreign while others he couldn’t tell. He
couldn’t distinguish which were old and which young for the power in the room from so many gathered hit him like a tide
and made him stagger back. He felt Rowan’s arm slip round his waist and
usher him past the room and up a staircase near the far side. As he passed he
also noted that some vampires were dressed in modern day clothes whilst others favoured the traditional style of the period
and country they had originated.
Before he knew it Rowan had half carried him up the stairs and along past an ornately carved door still farther. About five doors down he was pulled to a halt and Rowan produced a key to one of the
rooms, which he allowed them both to enter and let Julien sink gratefully onto a velvet love seat and lay back. It vaguely registered that they had only come to the first floor and that meant Rowan was one of the elders
but this surprised him a lot less than he thought it should and he closed his eyes against the buzzing that amount of power
from the parlour had caused.
He lay for a second with his eyes closed and let his body slowly subside back into being able to feel. Cool fingers suddenly pressed lightly against his forehead and he half opened his
eyes to look straight into the worried gaze of Rowan. Julien looked back questioningly,
not sure what was making him so worried.
“Are you okay?” Rowan asked, his voice soft, “You suddenly took a turn down there.”
“Yes I’ll be fine,” he answered, “it was just the power.
There were so many vampires in the one room that it took me a little off guard and when it hit me I wasn’t ready
and staggered a little.”
“When it hit you?” Rowan looked down on him as if he was pondering something, “you can feel
others power? Can you tell how old they are by that power?”
Julien nodded, “yes usually I can tell. With the older ones
it comes down to approximation because when the power gets that high it varies from person to person how it develops, but
generally I could tell you within ten to twenty years for the young ones and within a hundred to two hundred for the older. Although I don’t seem to be able to gauge yours, I’ve never met an elder
before so perhaps that’s the reason but every time I try I keep getting pushed back.”
Rowan looked startled, “you can tell within that close a margin?
That is a rare gift indeed. Most vampires do not possess the gift of power
gauging at all, few have the gift to tell how powerful another is but to be able to tell with such accuracy and to be able
to gauge age also, that is astounding.”
“It’s not something everyone can do?” Julien lifted himself on his elbows to look at Rowan.
“No, I myself can do it and also block it, which is why you can not gauge me, but other than myself there
is only one other in the coven able to sense power and she can sense the power against anothers but not the age” he
rubbed his forehead and sank into a golden velvet chair off to one side.
The whole room was decorated in golds and creams apart from the bed, which was black satin and very large. There was enough room in here for two people to live quite comfortably and the love
seat, chair and a coffee table were the only other furnishings. All the wood
in the room was a dark cherry wood, which seemed to be used so the bed didn’t look so out of place.
“Interesting,” Rowan mumbled, he seemed to be pondering something which Julien could only guess
at, “I am intrigued to know what it is Luciel sent you to ask.”
“I can’t tell you… well in truth I don’t know,” Rowan lifted his head and stared
at him and he continued quickly, “he didn’t tell me he just sent me with a note that he said I must deliver to
no one but the master of the coven, I have a feeling I won’t like it and that’s why he wouldn’t tell me
but I won’t know until I see the master, speaking of.”
“I shall take you tomorrow,” Rowan promised, “it is too close to daylight now and the master
is not in the throne room anyway.”
“I see,” Julien wondered how he knew that, the rooms door had been closed when they walked past
and master vampires could sit as still as stone and make absolutely no noise if they wanted to but he didn’t want to
push his luck too far, he had a bed for the night, or probably the love seat and he was in the coven house, which mattered
the most right now.
Rowan seemed to relax back into the chair after saying this and he removed his shirt dropping it onto the floor
and lounged back with his legs hooked over one of the arms. His chest stood out
very pale against the gold of the chair and Julien found his fingers itching to touch it.
He curled his hands in his lap wondering what had gotten into him and looked around the room, his eyes finding a wardrobe
he had not previously noticed. He presumed this must be where Rowan kept his
clothes and focused his mind on wondering what sort of things Rowan would keep in his wardrobe rather than the vampire himself.
Rowan looked over to the bed, “do you mind sharing?”
“Share?” Julien spluttered, he didn’t know why
that seemed so strange to him, they were just two men but he didn’t know if he could manage that.
“No?” Rowan shrugged, “then you shall have to move from that seat so I may use it.”
Julian suddenly realised that Rowan intended to kick himself out of his own bed and he couldn’t do that
to the kind vampire, “no, no it’s alright you just startled me, I mean I thought you’d tell me to take the
seat is all.”
“I would never be so rude as to make a guest sleep on the sofa,” Rowan sounded almost offended and
Julien regretted saying it.
“No of course not I just… never mind I’ll share I don’t mind,” he went to the
bed and stroked a hand over the soft sheets.
Power radiated from the bed like it had been used for so long that it had absorbed some of Rowan’s own
power. He sat on it and stripped to his boxers, pulling the covers back and climbing
in then noticed that the window was right by the bed. He was just about to mention
this when his whole body started tingling and it took him a moment to realise that it was the power that had permeated the
bed that he could feel. He lay in it for a while marvelling at how powerful a
vampire must be to leave a mark such as that on an inanimate object and then turned his sense off so he wasn’t kept
up all day.
“Won’t we be in trouble with that right there?” he motioned to the window.
Rowan smiled tolerantly and hit a button beside the window that sent a metal shutter sliding down and effectively
shutting out any light. He walked to the bed, if you could call it walking, and
Julien noticed for the first time that he was wearing black, leather pants that fitted to his hips so closely you could make
out the curve of bone beneath skin. He glanced away realising he was staring
and when he looked back Rowan had rid himself of the pants and was now stood in nothing.
Julien coloured and forcedly averted his eyes. He didn’t
know why seeing another man naked bothered him so much but he had a sneaking suspicion that it had nothing to do with not
wanting to see. The man that was now sliding into the bed next to him was the
most beautiful creature he had even seen and if he let his mind wander too much he was likely to have a very uncomfortable
As soon as Rowan settled down Julien could feel cold radiating from him.
He turned without thinking and pressed a hand to the older vampire’s chest, going bright red when he felt the
mound of a nipple beneath his hand and moved it further over quickly. Rowan looked
back at him confused.
“You’re freezing,” he stated, “haven’t you fed tonight?”
“Not tonight, or yesterday, I do not need to feed every night.”
“But your freezing, that can’t be comfortable, you should have fed,” Julien felt silly scolding
him like this but he knew it wasn’t good for even an elder to leave it this long before they fed.
“Are you worried?” Rowan seemed amused, “you may warm me yourself if it troubles you so.”
“Yes but I can’t the only way I could warm you is if you…” Julien realised what he was
asking, “you want to feed from me?”
“I am not in so desperate need but if you are worried I would oblige to fix your worry.”
“Well alright then,” Julien couldn’t believe he’d said that but suddenly the idea of
Rowan’s fangs sinking into his neck seemed a good one.
Rowan sat up and pulled Julien against him, wrapping arms around his shoulders and tilting his head to one side. He pressed his lips to the bend of his neck lightly and Julien shivered unwillingly
under the touch, then sharp fangs descended and he hissed lightly as a sharp sting replaced the soft touch. He felt Rowan drag at his blood hungrily and realised that the older vampire must have not fed for more
than a few days. Putting a hand into Rowan’s hair, Julien stroked his curls
soothingly, letting him know it was alright to drink deeply.
“I’ve fed enough for two, go ahead and take whatever you need,” Julien assured.
He could feel the need in Rowan as he dragged the blood faster and hear his breathing quicken almost as if he
was desperate. This was going to leave one enormous looking love bite on his
neck but Julien didn’t care. He could feel Rowan’s power pounding
down his fangs like it was begging for supplement and even though it hurt to have blood dragged from his veins so fast the
power almost counteracted the pain and soothed him even as he stroked Rowan’s hair.
The elder vampire eventually pulled back and Julien lay back against the pillows on the bed feeling a little
drained but happy. He smiled up at Rowan and then noticed the troubled look on
his face and frowned questioningly.
“I do not feed often because I do not like the packaged blood we now have to use but I did not mean to
take so much from you.”
“Do I look like I mind?” Julien raised his eyebrow.
“No, I do not suppose you do,” Rowan smiled, “I owe you some thanks.”
Julien shook his head, “call it a thank you for all you’ve done for me if you like.”
Rowan nodded and curled down amongst the covers and Julien was sure he could hear him purring ever so lightly. He moved to his own side of the bed and lay down noticing that Rowan now radiated
heat instead of cold and closed his eyes feeling light enough to sleep now.
Waking, Julien could hear the steady beat of a heart beneath his ear and feel the rise and fall of a chest as
someone breathed beneath his cheek. He couldn’t quite recall where he was
for a second and wondered if he’d slept in the same bed as his master. He
tilted his head back and was caught by the gaze of two obsidian blue orbs looking back at him.
Memory flooded back and he remembered he was in the chambers of an elder vampire sharing his bed and must be
lying against his chest. He sat bolt upright in the bed and Rowan let him go,
watching. He stretched his back in a gesture so feline that it made Julien’s
breath catch in his throat and looked back at the younger vampire.
“I’m sorry,” Julien stuttered, “I must have rolled there in my sleep.”
Rowan shook his head, “I awoke to find you curled against my back so instead of leaving you in a strange
room to wake alone I stayed and watched you sleep. I apologise if it has made
you uncomfortable.”
Julien blinked, “you put me there? Well I don’t mind
if you want me to lean against you. You… when I look at you…”
he went silent and shook his head, “can you use attraction?”
“Attraction?” Rowan’s lips curled into a smile but he was careful not to show fangs, “why
yes I am capable of it, most masters are, but if you are asking if I am using it on you then the answer is no, I am not,”
he reached out a hand and touched Julien’s cheek, “perhaps it is my age and power that call to you. Or perhaps you are just attracted to men,” he shrugged gracefully and chuckled when Julien went red.
“I’m not gay!” Julien looked away startled, “it must be the power, I’ve never
met another vampire as powerful as master before. What other skills do you have?”
Rowan laughed and it was so rich a sound that Julien shivered and looked up at him startled, “why is everything
so black and white in this era?” Rowan asked him, “why if a man is attracted to another man must they be labelled
gay? But I will answer your question young one.
I have attraction and mesmerise. I am also a very slight seer as you yourself are only you are much more powerful in
the talent; it is a rare talent to possess. I am also very good with the skill
“Cover?” Julien was impressed, “master said besides seer, cover was the hardest skill to master
but unlike seer you had to learn it whereas with seer you either have it or you don’t.”
“Very good,” Rowan nodded, “that is correct and I myself am the only vampire in this kiss
that has the power. Tell me, how old do you make me?”
Julien concentrated, sending his power out in waves to touch Rowan’s and get a feel for his power. He was surprised to find that, although he had said he was at least six hundred when
he first met him, he now only felt about three hundred.
“You feel about three hundred,” he answered, “but when I met you, you talked about six hundred
years ago, so I would say at least six hundred.”
“I am more than six hundred,” Rowan smiled again hiding his fangs, “how much more is not for
you to know.”
Julien blinked, “why not? I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want them to know.”
Rowan quickly changed the subject, “I believe you came to meet the master not to find out how old I am. Come let me take you as promised,” he stood and pulled Julien to his feet.
Julien retrieved the shirt he had thrown on the floor the night before and followed him down the long hall back
to the carved wooden doors they had passed the night before. He expected Rowan
to knock, but the older vampire just walked in and straight up to the high-backed chair at the end of the large room. He had been right; it did look more like an office.
It was square and had a desk sat in the middle of the room behind which a vampire so powerful that Julien guessed his
age to be one thousand without even reaching out sat. He had curling blond hair,
which touched his shoulders and light blue eyes. He was wearing a russet coloured
velvet jacket over a cream silk shirt and his hands lay clasped loosely on the desk.
He nodded to Rowan as he stopped in front of him and Rowan nodded back but did not bow as Julien had expected him to. The blond vampire, obviously the master of the coven, looked up at him with his light
eyes and seemed to be looking straight through him, or inside of him, Julien wasn't sure which.
He beckoned him closer and when Julien stepped forward he talked in a voice so rich Julien would have staggered
if not for Rowan’s hand on his arm, “welcome young one. My name is
Arcan and I am the master of this coven. I hear that you came back with Rowan
last night and even shared his chambers but I believe it is me you have come to see.”
“Yes sir,” Julien looked away from him as he felt his heart pounding like a trapped bird in his
chest, “I have a message from my master but he said it was only for the eyes of the master here.”
“Aah Luciel was always one for protocol, give it to me then.”
Julien took the letter from his pocket and handed it to Arcan swallowing past the lump in his throat as Arcan’s
fingers brushed his.
“Leave the boy alone Arcan,” Rowan said, his voice a little harder than usual, “you needn’t
charm him.”
“As you wish,” Arcan pulled back his power and Julien staggered against Rowan as the spell was lifted
from him.
“Attraction?” he murmured.
Rowan nodded and watched as Arcan read the note then handed it to him to read.
His eyebrows raised slightly and he exchanged an unreadable look with Arcan and then both elders turned and looked
at Julien.
Julien looked back, “your master wishes that you stay here with us,” Arcan explained, “he
says your power, and such a strong one it is, could cause you trouble if a war broke out and he is certain one is coming shortly. He may well be right about the war, he certainly is about your power but do you realise
what this means?”
“I need a pass,” Julien looked shocked, “I don’t know anyone. I knew there would be a time when I would leave master but I can’t get a pass because I don’t
know anyone.”
Rowan stepped forward, “I will vouch for him, I will be his passer.”
Arcan’s eyebrows shot straight up into his hairline in utter surprise.
It wasn’t often that a thousand-year-old vampire was surprised and Julien wondered why that was so much of a
“You Rowan?” Arcan asked, “you haven’t passed a single vampire since this coven was
founded, you don’t add new members you watch over existing ones.”
“Who better?” Rowan arched his own eyebrow, “I am the only one with an inkling of his power
apart from Kari and would you give him to her? No, I will look after him.”
“Very well,” Arcan waved his hand, “then he’s yours, we’ll get a room arranged
before sunrise today, you know where to ask to find out which one.”
Rowan nodded and turned to leave pulling Julien after him. He didn’t
give them time to stop until they were safely shut back in his rooms and he had dropped onto the love seat and lay back. Julien had noted that Arcan didn’t have the lovely flowing speech that Rowan
had and his voice was not nearly so pleasant but he certainly was stronger.
“Why me? If you never take on fledglings, why me?”
“Why not?” Rowan looked up at him, “would you rather I sent you out to find your own way in
amongst all those vampires? You will have to watch yourself around Arcan too,
he likes you or he would not have tried to use attraction on you and he usually gets what he wants.”
Julien nodded feeling the truth of those words, “he is the master, I suppose he will get what he wants,
but he listened to you when you told him to stop and you’re less powerful, why did he listen?”
Rowan smiled, “respect perhaps. He knows when he can not
win and he would not pick a fight with me over a fledgling.”
“But how could he not win? He felt at least one thousand,
perhaps a little older, you’re not that old.”
Rowan looked impressed, “he is one thousand and twenty six I believe but this coven does not always work
as a single unit, each vampire is loyal to the coven master but each is also loyal to their own elder, that elder is not always
the one who brought them to the coven, rather often not, and I have a bigger following than any other elder here.”
“So if he lost your support he’d lose half the coven,” Julien translated.
“Exactly, I have no desire to be coven master but I have enough of a following that should I decide I
wanted the job there is little or nothing that anyone could do. Perhaps he is
strong,” he paused then and Julien wondered if he was missing something, “but numbers are on my side.”
Julien sat and pondered this new information. He was
now a part of the largest coven ever known to vampire kind and he had a lot of information to process and much more to learn
before he could become a functioning member of the kiss. Rowan watched him thinking
about all he had learned and wondered if he had finally found someone he could rely on to keep his secret, he would have to
train the boy further and see how things turned out.
AN: A kiss is the technical term given to a group of vampires